Friday, January 29, 2010

I Love You

The best sentence that Xiaoyu has learned so far is "I love mommy". This morning when we woke up the looked at me and said that, and again when I picked him up at daycare today. There is nothing better in the world than hearing that!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blogging again

I figure that I should be writing down all of the things on this journey, and it is such a journey! The rewards are endless, but it is hard work! I'm not sure when I'll find the time to blog, but somehow I should.

Xiaoyu spontaneously started counting to ten today. We have been working more on letters, but always counting sometime in our day. I was not even sure he knew all of the names of the numbers in english. Today he pointed to a clock and said "Mama, clock!" I said yes, very good! He said "one, two, three, four, five , six, seven , eight , nine, ten!" meaning , there are numbers on it. I was a bit stunned!

His english has come so far in such a short time. I'm glad to know that he still has his Mandarin though. We are working hard to have him keep it. We try to watch a chinese cartoon at least once per day that he is not in daycare. His daycare (3 days per week) has mandarin teachers that speak to him in his mother toungue. Today he stared staturday mandarin classes. Every time the teacher asked him to say hello in chinese he said "Hello in chinese!" Too funny!

Well, I'm off to bed. That is one thing that has not progressed much. It takes him a long long time to fall asleep and I tried to start the sleep training to sleep without me, but the timing is bad with me back to work full time. We started seeing some behaviours that clearly are showing a bit of a set back. So, back to sleeping in the room with the kids!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

new blog site

Hi All

I am moving my blog to a safe, but less fancy venue. I should be able to access it in China. The address is The username and password are the same and are on my facebook profile page just under my profile picture. If you are not a facebook friend email me and I'll give you the password. I'll be sending out an email to family and friends probably tomorrow anyway.

It takes a very long time to load up the first time you go, but after that, it loads quickly, so just be patient the first time. Please let me know if any problems so I can have our computer tech fix things before we leave.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Just a few lines before I head off to bed. This heat is getting to me! It's China hot here right now!

We got an update tonight. Seth and his friends are out watering trees in these pictures. It is good to see him without all of those layers so I can get a better idea of how big he is.

One month from now he'll be officially ours.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race

Sometimes life feels like a ride at the fair. Well, it does for me anyway. It goes faster and faster and faster. Sometimes it feels like I'm riding with a drunk driver and any moment the car will spin out of control and crash. I think I crashed a bit this week after the whirlwind of events earlier in the week.

Everything is booked. The plane tickets are booked and paid for. Our paperwork is in Ottawa for our Visa. Arrangements have been made for Maya. I know the next few weeks will just fly by. I have a whole white board at work filled with all of the projects and jobs I am working on or are due during the fall. Most clients have been emailed (well the ones that have to know in the next few months anyway). Arrangements are being made for me to be away from work for 2 months straight. I am worried about putting too much on my partner. My clients are pretty great overall, so hopefully everyone will understand. No deadlines will be missed at least since all of the work I have in now is not due until the end of December, so that is good. I had to put aside the notion that everything in currently would be done before I go - just not going to happen. But for myself and my family, I have to set work aside for a while.

The same goes for home. The house is a mess and I just don't care anymore. As long as I can find my bed at night , that is all that matters. I guess I finally came to the realization that I really can't do everything, so I'm not going to try. I'm writing all of this down so that I remember these facts. The blog might seem like one more thing to add on to my list, but really, it is great therapy for me to get these thoughts out of my head and down on paper. They seem to not rumble around in there so much after I get it all out.

Today I got Seth enrolled in daycare 3 days per week. That is all arranged now and he can start whenever we are ready. His spot is there from September 1. My two oldest friends took care of me today. Laura had boxes full of hand me downs that she had gotten from friends. She has a little boy just 2 months older than Seth. She said she had more than she needed so I could come and take what I wanted. We sat down and her and my friend Natalie basically put together 8 or so outfits for our trip. We bagged them up in ziplocks and added in a sweater in case he is cold in the hotel and a couple of pairs of jammies. Voila - excpet to add underwear and socks, Seth's clothes are all packed! Thank you a million times. One less thing in my head to think about. And thanks Jocelyn for the ziplock idea. An outfit in each - no thoughts, no decisions, just pull out an outfit. I'm doing it for my clothes too.

I am going to bed - I have not been feeling great. I hope it is stress and not that I'm coming down with something!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The last 36 hours

What a ride! Wow. Since we were so late in joining this travel group, everything has happened super fast for us. Only yesterday did we find out that we could travel in September. Yesterday afternoon and today has been spent filling out Visa applications, almost changing my mind about leaving Maya home, and then changing it back, getting pictures taken for the Visa applications, bookking travel arrangements and finally deciding on the full legal name for Seth.

Then, I had a meeting with my business partner to do some planning for the fall and winter.

Whew!! I am zonked!

Then, out of the blue we got a call from a contractor that we had booked back in May to do work to the front veranda of our house. He can start tomorrow! Then our designer called and I am meeting her tomorrow night to make the final decisions on the bathroom. They will start some of the work while we are away (painting and grout work that can dry while we are away). Boy can this undecisive woman now make decisions! Just don't even think of asking me what I want for dinner! I'm just accepting what the universe is giving me and being grateful for credit. :)

I feel like a flood gate has opened and everything we have been trying to get accomplished for the last 3 years is all happening at once! Well, actually that is exactly what is going on.

We decided to leave for China a day earlier than necessary to have two nights and one full day in Bejing before Gotcha day. Time to catch our breath, adjust to the time a bit, and just be a couple for a few hours. Maybe have a nice dinner or even just go for swim in the pool and maybe do some shopping near by. For the trip home, we decided to fly straight through, even though it means that we will arrive at 2am on the way back. Our clocks will be messed up anyway, so it won't matter much to us, only to whoever has to meet us at the airport.

My new blog site is almost ready and I'll let everyone know before I make the switch.

Now, off to call my new friend in PEI who we are travelling with in September!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today we got our LOA (letter of seeking confirmation) that says we are definitely going ahead with the adoption of Xiao Yu (Seth). Things are happening at a dizzying pace! Did I not say the other day that things just happen in my life and I have to learn to go with it? Well, here is another example. We are leaving September 11 or 12 for China! A month or two before we had planned. We are a bit nervous about receiving the last of the paperwork before we leave (which is an important document we need on adoption day) but are assured by our agency that all will be handled and they will ensure we have it on our day. I guess that I just go with that! I have spent the last 8 hours learning about everything that has to be done before we leave. More paperwork - we need to apply for our Chinese visa and book our flights. I looked on Air Canada and the flights are less than I thought, so that was a nice surprise. We have 2 friends who work on the Toronto/ Beijing flights and are hoping to have a least one of them on our flight either way. We'll be booking things tomorrow. I can't believe how fast it is happening!

I am having guilt pangs about leaving Maya here. I know it is the easy solution and the safest one for her. It is not an easy trip, and if Seth does not adjust, won't be much fun for her. However, if things go smooth, it would have been a wonderful experience for her. This is perhaps the most difficult decision that we have had to make so far, and I am still so conflicted. However my gut is telling me that, for us, we would be better off leaving her here and so I guess that is what I have to do, as difficult as that may be. I'm not a risk taker, and with the Swine flu issue still a scary one, especially when it comes to China quarantine, I just can't make myself take the chance. Sometimes I wish I were a stronger person and could take more risks. I hope she adjusts with this decision. I do know plenty of other families that have made this same choice and it did not seem to effect them long term. I guess my whole reason for the guilt is Maya's extreme love of China. That is one thing that I think we did right in trying to instill a sense of pride and love of her homeland, for she does with all her heart and has wanted to go to China since the time that she could talk. *sigh*